Landscaping Assistance: Don't Neglect Your Lawn Mower Maintenance

Aside from purchasing some necessary lawn care equipment like a shovel, garden hose, weed-wacker, working gloves, and a few other items, the main lawn care you will have is keeping your lawn mower functioning properly. Without a high-quality riding lawn mower, you're never going to be able to keep your property looking as best as possible. That's where lawn mower inspections, repairs, and general maintenance needs come in.
- Study the lawn mower owner's manual -- First, it's imperative that you fully understand the ins and outs of your specific lawn mower. The manual can inform you exactly how the maker wants you to care of it. You don't have to read the manual cover to cover before each mow, but taking a look at it to understand some of the mower intricacies can certainly help.
- Upgrade your Gravely PTO clutch -- Without a functioning power takeoff (PTO) clutch, your mower simply cannot power the blades and keep them engaged. Thankfully, you can purchase quality Gravely PTO clutches that can ensure that your mower is ready to go the next time you plan on mowing your lawn. Make sure you're working with a trusted electric clutch replacement organization, as well.
- Clean out the undercarriage -- Since grass and landscape debris can build up over time, clogging issues can occur as a result. You can use a wire brush to scrape away any dirt, grass, and debris from the undercarriage and spray it with a hose afterward to fully clean it. As a safety precaution, you should always disconnect the spark plug before cleaning out the mower's undercarriage.
Keep in mind, there are plenty of additional maintenance aspects that you need to focus on in order to maximize your mower's performance and improve your property's appearance. Make sure you're inspecting the oil, draining the gasoline at the end of each cut, inspecting and replacing the air filter and spark plugs, and are sharpening the blades. If you want to learn more about Gravely PTO clutches for quality lawn mowers or speak with lawn care maintenance professionals, contact Ox Clutch today!